
Our NetSuite pricing model is adaptable and modular—you only pay for what you use and flexible financing options make it easy to get started.


如果您正在为您的组织研究NetSuite定价模型, 查找有关NetSuite安装成本的详细信息可能很困难. This is mainly because the web components and integration with existing data and systems are unique for every engagement. And that’s what makes NetSuite so powerful: the ability to build a solution that’s a precise match to your business needs.


NetSuite定价和成本 depend on several factors including the selected product configuration, 附加模块, 总用户数和合同期限. 考虑到所有这些因素, a minimum NetSuite purchase requires that you buy a base account along with at least one user login. You can enhance a standard platform license with advanced NetSuite feature modules and add additional users by purchasing individual access via any browser on a universal cloud-based platform.

NetSuite许可采用订阅模式, 你可以按年续签,也可以延长期限. There are several pre-bundled vertical editions that can be useful to quickly identify the package and modules you need. 您可以决定哪一个是最好的,以及何时添加更多容量.


Largest global NetSuite partner, serving 1,500+ NetSuite clients since 2004


NetSuite Worldwide Solution Provider Partner of the Year 2013-2014, 2016-2021


With 85 北美n offices and practices in 16 countries, RSM has 300+ global NetSuite resources


多于1,500个NetSuite客户端, RSM is one of the largest NetSuite value-added resellers and solution providers. This affords us unique insight into the purchasing process and the ability to get you the best possible NetSuite pricing. 当你考虑NetSuite ERP时, 我们的目标是为您提供尽可能多的信息, but some answers around NetSuite定价和成本 will vary based on the specific needs of your organization.


您可以信任我们的NetSuite顾问来讨论您的需求, provide a product demo tailored to your industry and business needs and answer all of your questions. The NetSuite license purchasing process is collaborative—we aim to understand your business deeply and help you execute your specific, 战略计划.


See how it works with a complimentary NetSuite demo account using sample data that matches your business model. We want you to be confident that NetSuite is the best platform for your organization and interacting with the tools and software gives you a clear view of NetSuite’s wide range of functionality.

We recognize that the decision to implement NetSuite is a positive turning point for your business and a substantial commitment. Our commitment is to get you the best possible NetSuite pricing and to help with financing and related software and services.


了解更多 about the key components of NetSuite定价和成本 including customization, 合同预期, 实现, 付款及融资.

Once you determine that NetSuite is the right platform for your organization, your consultant will help you identify a complete product configuration to meet your needs including base editions, 特别版, 高级附加模块和用户计数.

